February 7, 2020 Frank P. Ruffino DDS

invisalign dentists shelby township mi

How Do I Make Invisalign® More Comfortable?

Invisalign® can straighten your teeth in as little as 12 to 18 months. But that doesn’t mean that you won’t experience some discomfort during treatment. Fortunately, our Invisalign dentists are here to answer all your questions!

Invisalign braces work because they exert constant pressure on your teeth. You may especially feel discomfort during the first 2 to 3 days of wearing new aligners.

Continue reading to learn how to make Invisalign more comfortable.

Take Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers

Are you getting a new set of clear aligners soon? If so, take some over-the-counter pain relievers before your appointment with us. That way, the medication will have enough time to take effect before you wear your new aligners.

Some common over-the-counter pain relievers include ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and naproxen.

Switch to New Aligners Before Sleeping

Sometimes it’s easier to ignore pain while you’re asleep. If you’re one of those people, switch to your new aligners right before bed. That way, you’ll be able to get through the first few hours while you’re unconscious.

You may also want to take pain relievers to help reduce any discomfort before drifting off to sleep.

Use Cold Compresses

Holding a cold compress up to your cheek can help you numb Invisalign pain. The coldness of the compact makes the blood vessels underneath constrict. With less blood circulation, you’ll experience less dental pain.

If you don’t have a cold compress, a frozen bag of peas or corn works in a pinch. If you’re using frozen vegetables, wrap a kitchen towel around the bag to protect your skin. You should also never apply a cold compress for more than 15 to 20 minutes.

Eat Soft Foods

Eat soft foods that are easy to chew while your teeth and gums are sore. We recommend yogurt, smoothies, pasta, and rice. Cool foods (like ice cream) will also be more soothing and numbing.

Don’t Remove Your Aligners

You’ll experience the most discomfort during the first 2 to 3 days of wearing aligners. Although, it’s important to remember that each patient has a different pain tolerance.

Time is your friend during Invisalign treatment. The more you wear your aligners, the sooner the initial pain will subside. If you don’t wear your aligners 20 to 22 hours a day, it’s like starting from scratch each time. This is because your teeth won’t have consistent pressure on them to move.

Only remove your clear aligners to eat, drink, floss, and brush your teeth.

Remember Why You Chose Invisalign

There must have been a reason why you chose Invisalign over other types of orthodontic treatment. For example, Invisalign is clear and more discreet than traditional metal braces.

Whenever you feel a twinge of pain, think about how beautiful your smile will look once you’re done. Think about how much straighter and healthier your teeth will be after your last set of aligners. Keep your motivation close to your heart and you’ll be crossing the finish line in no time!

Call Frank P. Ruffino DDS

Any Invisalign pain should subside after 2 to 3 days of wearing your new aligners. But you should call our office if you experience any pain or discomfort that seems out of the ordinary. Our team would be more than happy to check your bite and aligners during your next visit.

Our Invisalign dentists in Shelby Township, MI, are accepting new patients! To request an appointment, call Frank P. Ruffino DDS at (586) 799-4240.

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